Monday, December 24, 2007

Twas the Legal Night Before Christmas

Whereas, on or about the night prior to Christmas, there did occur at a certain improved piece of real property (hereinafter, the "House" a general lack of stirring by all creatures therein, including, but not limited to, to wit, a mouse.

A variety of foot apparel, e.g. stocking, socks, etc., et al., had been temporarily affixed by and around the chimney in said House, with appropriate care, in the hope and/or belief that St. Nick a/k/a St. Nicholas a/k/a Santa Claus (hereinafter, "Claus") would arrive at sometime thereafter.

The minor residents, i.e. the children, of the aforementioned House were located in or around their individual sleeping locations, or beds, and were nestled and engaged in nocturnal hallucinations, i.e. dreams, wherein visions of confectionery treats, including, but not limited to, candies, nuts and/or sugar plums (without and not meeting FDA labeling requirements) did dance, cavort and or otherwise appear in said dreams.

Whereupon the party of the first part, (sometimes hereinafter referred to as I ("I")), being the joint owner or tenant-in-common in fee simple absolute of the House, with the party of the second part, (hereinafter "Mamma"), and said Mamma had retired for a sustained period of sleep (at such time, the parties of both parts were clad in various forms of headgear, e.g. kerchief and cap) for a long, seasonal ("winter") nap.

Suddenly, and without prior notice or warning, there did occur upon the unimproved real property adjacent and appurtenant to said House, i.e., the lawn, a certain disruption of unknown nature, cause and/or circumstance ("clatter"). The party of the first part ("I") did immediately arise and rush to a fenestration ("window") in the House to investigate the cause of such disturbance. In the process, the party of the first part ("I") mistakenly tore open the shutters and threw up the sash.

The party of the first part noticed the moon, in full phase, on the topmost part of the new-fallen snow. The party of the first part was informed and believed, and based upon such information and belief, alleged that said moon gave the lustre of mid-day, otherwise known as noon, to objects below. At that time, the party of the first part ("I") did observe, with some degree of wonder and/or disbelief, a miniature sleigh (hereinafter the "Vehicle") being pulled and/or drawn very rapidly through the air by approximately eight (8) reindeer. The driver of the Vehicle appeared to be and in fact was, the previously referenced Claus.

Said Claus was providing specific direction, instruction and guidance to the approximately eight (8) reindeer and specifically identified the animal co-conspirators by name: Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner and Blitzen (hereinafter "the Deer"). (Upon information and belief, it is further asserted that an additional co-conspirator named "Rudolph" may have been involved.)

The party of the first part witnessed Claus, the Vehicle and the Deer intentionally and willfully trespass upon the top of the porches, walls and/or roofs of several residences located adjacent to and in the vicinity of the House, and noted that the Vehicle was heavily laden with packages, toys and other items of unknown origin or nature. Suddenly, without prior invitation or permission, either express or implied, the Vehicle arrived at the House, and Claus entered said House via the chimney.

Said Claus was clad in a red fur suit with white fur, which was partially covered with residue from the chimney, and he carried a large sack containing a portion of the aforementioned packages, toys, and other unknown items. He was smoking what appeared to be tobacco in a small pipe, and blowing circles that resembled wreaths in blatant violation of local ordinances and health regulations.

The party of the first part observed that Claus's eyes would not have passed a field sobriety test in that they twinkled. Moreover, Claus's facial expressions (i.e. "dimples") appeared overly joyful. As further evidence of his state of being, Claus's cheeks were very red, almost like roses, his nose was likewise red like a cherry. Claus's mouth could have been said to look like a bow, and the extended hair growth under his chin could likewise be said to be as white as the snow.

Although Claus did not speak, he did laugh, which caused his rotund stomach area to move about in a manner similar to, but not quite like, a bowl full of jelly. Claus thereafter immediately began to fill the stocking of the minor children, which hung adjacent to the chimney, with toys and other small gifts. (Said items did not, however, constitute "gifts" to said minor pursuant to the applicable provisions of the U.S. Tax Code.)

Upon completion of such task, Claus touched the side of his nose and flew, rose and/or ascended up the chimney of the House to the roof where the Vehicle and Deer waited and/or served as "lookouts." Claus immediately departed for an unknown destination.

However, prior to the departure of the Vehicle, Deer and Claus from said House, the party of the first part did hear Claus state and/or exclaim: "Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!"

Or words to that effect.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Finally Done

Ranking my exams in order of difficulty, hardest to easiest

1.) Criminal Law- Dear Lord in heaven. If I next time I tell by reading a statute whether it's MPC or commonlaw, it'll be the first time. I did not consent to the sexual contact that test made with me. There's a legitimate chance this test could cost me my spot in law school.

2.) Civil Procedure- This one wasn't a huge surprise. Civil Procedure is so rule based that there's a chance you'll get hit with one you weren't too sure on. Well, That definitely happened to me.

3.) Torts- Duty. Breach. Causation. Damages. Next Issue. Duty. Breach. Causation. Damages. Next Issue. Duty. Breach. Causation. Damages. Next Issue. Duty. Breach. Causation. Damages. Next Issue......

4.) Contracts- easily the easiest of the finals. I just went line by line through my outline to make sure I covered all the major topics for each question. Probably the easiest to analyze, even if Contracts isn't excessively intuitive.

Hopefully, I did well enough to qualify for another semester.

Monday, December 17, 2007

Shawshank Redemption,2933,317100,00.html

Sunday, December 16, 2007


Sorry for disappearing. Some personal things came up and then when I got back to school other things (video games, books, movies) took precedence over the blog.

Anyway, since I've exhausted all the other forms of studying, and because I received an e-mail from TJ's Doubleplay asking why I died, I figured I could post a couple of thoughts about exams.

First, for whomever chose 8:30 am for 1L's exams, I realize that we're the bitches of the law school, but seriously, push this back to 9 or 10. 8:30 is way too damn early for most of us.

Second, how the hell do some of my co-students write so much? I'm coming in around 10 pages on my exams and I hear people talking about writing 15 or 20 pages. That last number has to be a lie because I"m pretty certain that you'd have to be a trained typist to come close to 20 pages in a three hour period, especially if you read the question. I realize I may be shorting my self on these answers, but seriously people, what the hell are you writing?

Third, I recognize that teachers should challenge us. However, the practice exams should not completely mislead us, like some of the practice exams my teachers handed out have. We had multiple exams that all asked very similar questions for practice. Then, when it came time for exams, the questions were COMPLETELY different. What was the point of the practice exams? It wasn't like we had answers to check ourselves against so we couldn't even find out if we were answering the practice questions correctly.